Ultimate Marvel Team-Up (Reprint TPB)

 Title Level: SM Reprint

By definition, a Trade Paperback (TPB) is considered to be a soft-bound format which reproduces two or more graphical stories in a compilation. This should not be confused with a Graphic Novel, which contains a single, original story.

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up (Reprint TPB) #1
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
Story: “Ultimate Marvel Team-Up (TPB)”
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up (Reprint TPB) #2
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
Story: “Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 2 (TPB)”
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up (Reprint TPB) #3
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
Story: “Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 3 (TPB)”
 Title Level: SM Reprint