
Here are the active staffers who are helping to grow the site. Please, before contacting any staff member, do ensure that your question isn't already on our F.A.Q. list. If you are interested in joining the staff, then you want to read our F.A.Q. : Joining The Team. If you have recently joined the team then probably want to read our F.A.Q. : Editing Basics introduction to editing site content. As well as the list of current staff below, we also maintain a list of Former Staff.

Here are the Current Staff.

 Tyler Barlass (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff Reviewer

Once saved from the clutches of boredom by Spider-Man himself, Tyler Barlass has closely followed the webbed one's career ever since. Tyler particularly enjoys reading about Spidey's adventures during the '70s and '80s. Things were simpler then.

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 Chris Buchner (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Grunt

I'm a freelance writer and editor. I'm the current Vice President of the Comicbook Artists Guild, a national networking organization that brings creators of all levels together with one goal in mind: to make books. I'm also their publications and New York Metro chapter coordinator. I'm the Editor-in-Chief of Guild Works Publications, as well as the writer for their flagship title Hell's Blood. I also work for Marvel, primarily as a contributing writer for their Official Index series.

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 Adam Chapman (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff Reviewer

I'd been an avid reader of spiderfan for quite a while before I became a staff member. I hadn't the gumption or the confidence to apply to be a staff member until I'd already become an established reviewer for, and finally wanted to join the spiderfan family. I subbed on Ultimate Spider-Man for a while, and started reviewing Amazing Spider-Man at around the same time. I hope someday to find the time to contribute more to back-issue reviews, which was a draw when applying in the first place.

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 Steve Christensen (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Reviewer, Links manager

Alias Spidermad. Started reading Spidey comics circa 1996 after seeing the TV series and finding himself unable to function in this world without his Spidey fix after it finished.

He has worked in Children's Minister and the computer industry before becoming a full-time primary school teacher. He's married with four kids. His wife loves him so much, she made the Spidey suit he's wearing in the photo.

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 Jonathan Couper (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Site Editor, Webmaster

I'm the editor for the page. I own about 96% of Spider-Man's appearances, and have picked up a lot of general info, although you must remember that New Zealand is a long way from the heart of the Marvel Universe.

I also have four kids, a farm, I run a small business, and I'm a keen recurve archer. So I can sometimes seem a little unresponsive - but I always eventually respond to every e-mail I receive... eventually.

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 David Favela (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff Reviewer

I have been on Earth 616 since the early 1980s and grew up in the most awesome time reading anything Spider-Man, even Earth 77013. I was introduced to the Todd McFarlane Amazing Spider-Man Era and have been reading and collecting since. I have over 2000 Spider-Man comics and I have read them ALL, at least once, at some point in my life and some multiple times. I love my wife and my Spider-Man comics at almost the same level, but do not tell her that because I still keep them underneath my side of the bed for a "quickie."

 Henrique Ferreira (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Lazy Bum

I was officially added to the staff in the October 2nd 2001, after sending Jon an email so big that he gave up on reading it and just welcomed me in. I started by doing reviews of backissues, but soon enough my attention turned toward character profiles. I study, and I'm frequently swamped with work, to the point where I no longer find the time to submit anything to the site. I just stick around and keep cashing in my paycheck, hoping the boss doesn't notice.

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 Mike Fichera (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff Reviewer, Figure Specialist

Mike's an enviromental engineer, cartoonist, amateur film maker, action-figure customizer, freelance writer for the Official Handbooks of the Marvel Universe, and all around Spiderphile. Growing up in Queens, New York City, 15 minutes from Peter's hometown of Forest Hills, Mike began his association with the webbed one by age 5. He easily related to Spidey in many ways. Was is that microscope he used to play with as a kid? Was it the love of science and research? Maybe he just liked the Electric Company?

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 Marc Fox (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Avenging Minion

Yeah, so I'm Marc and I like Spider-Man.

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 Patrick Gadrow (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff Reviewer

The very first comic I bought was back in the magical spring of my twelfth year of life. I was in the 6th grade and I was friends with a kid named Aaron who had a small collection of comics, most of which were Spider-Man. We would spend hour upon hour reading them and that was it, I was hooked. The first one I bought for myself was Spider-Man Volume 1 #8, the first issue of Todd McFarlane's Perceptions storyline, guest starring Wolverine. I couldn't believe that these comics were so mature, mature for my 12 year old intellect that is. I then quickly got the first 7 issues of that series and the rest is history. I have pretty much been collecting since then.

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 Kevin Hollander (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff reviewer

I've been a fan of Spider-Man since I was four. My first Spider-Man comic was a reprint of the first half of Amazing Spider-Man #103.

I'd get the occasional issue, but it wasn't until 1989 that I started getting serious about it. Now I'm so serious that it takes up a half of a room in my house.

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 Peter Kroon (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff Reviewer

Peter got sucked into Spidey comics at the age of 14. He's now a Team Manager who has made it his life's goal to collect all American and Dutch Spider-Man comics - a task which is nearly finished. You can see the results on his own web-site, The Spider-Man Cover Archive.

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 Max Lacey (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff Reviewer, Cover Credit Guy

I haven't actually been reading Spidey (or comics) that long but I like to think I've caught up pretty quickly. I started reveiwing for this site with Marvel Age: Spider-Man then just hung around acting like I was busy.

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 Craig Lowrey (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff Reviewer

Alias BUHBUHRAYSPIDEY or BOOKER C. Craig started reading comics in 1992. It all started with a couple of Marvel universe trading cards featuring Spidey and has spiraled out of control since. He has a HND in Computing and works full time as an IT Engineer.

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 Neil McClean (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff reviewer

A librarian by profession, I spend most of my free time writing - be it stories, games or the first chapters of numerous novels, I'm happiest behind the keyboard. Combine this with an abiding love of Spider-Man comics, and I jumped at the chance to write for Spiderfan. I didn't even care what I reviewed, which was just as well as I was saddled with Araña before moving onto Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man. I am currently one third of the team that reviews the thrice-monthly Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1).

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 Andrew Miller (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff Reviewer

I've been a long-time reader of the site, since 1996 at least, but didn't take the plunge to become a staff member until mid-2006. At that time I made a career change from academics to public service. I'm glad I did, but it must be said that government work does not satisfy one's creative urges the way that academia can. As a result, full of pent-up energy, I volunteered for the site and the rest is history.

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 Keith Moore (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff Reviewer

I've been a fan of this site for a long time, its a tremendous resource for Spider-Man's fan base. And I'm very grateful that I've been given the opportunity to contribute here at Spiderfan.

I've been a Spider-Man fan since I was about 5 years old, from my first encounter with his Secret Wars action figure from '85. But it wasn't until the early 90s that I started reading Spidey comics religiously. And it didn't take long before I found Norman Osborn/Green Goblin and it's been that villain that has captured my imagination ever since.

When I'm not reading Spidey comics, I'm doing chemistry. I work in drug discovery for a pharmaceutical company. I'm not sure if I'll ever make something in the lab that will grant me superior intelligence/strength like the Goblin formula, but nothings impossible! ;)

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 Mike Podgorski (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff Reviewer, Fans Section Subeditor

I could try to be funny here, I could try to be serious, but I'll still feel like I'm selling myself to you. In addition to my work here at Spider-Fan, I also a web comic and the surprisingly popular Amazing Spider-Blog, concerning the daily Spider-Man comic strip.

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 Dave Sippel (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Sub-Editor (Character Database)

My name is Dave Sippel and I'm a Spider-holic. I've been a Spider-holic ever since buying Spectacular Spider-Man 220, when MJ announced she was pregnant. Yup, I came on board right in the middle of the Clone Saga and I still stayed.

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 Al Sjoerdsma (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Staff Reviewer, Head Historian

Judging on age alone, Al is the most senior of us all. By day, Al is a mild-mannered librarian, but this is only a cover for his secret identity as an accomplished playwright.

Al is our resident historian, responsible for the most detailed of our "Looking Back" series of historical reviews. Al is also an expert on early Silver Age Marvel.

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 Robert J. Sodaro (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Senior Title Coordinator, Staff Reviewer

Back in 1962 Robert J. ("Bob") Sodaro was bitten by a radioactive comicbook, and has been hooked ever since. With a nearly complete collection, he is clearly a hardcore Spidey fan. Bob has actually worked as a writer for many comic book fan mags, plus, he is the author of a book on fast food collectables (Kiddie Meal Collectables), as well as on on advertising trivia (Trivia Mania: Commercials and Ads).

Bob also wrote the (admittedly short-lived) comic-book Agent Unknown, which was published by Renegade Press in the late '70s. He is currently not only the features editor for Comics Values Annual, but he is a the Communications Director for Guild Works Productions, as well as a regular contributor to the company's line of comics (Psychosis! and CAG).

Bob has just recently begun working for Marvel Comics again (after a 12 year absence). Among the writing that he is doing for Marvel is contributing to The Official Index to the Marvel Universe (beginning with issue #2 of that title).

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 Cody Wilson (E-Mail)

Staff Position: Reviewer; Updater

I’m just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man fan. I don’t want to divulge any personal information other than my comic insights and preferences. I could be anyone you imagine I am, but whoever you picture will never be who I truly am. (But, if you want, you can think of me as a rich, handsome doctor.) Heck, the name Cody Wilson may even be a pen name. I am simply a person who enjoys comic books and that is all.

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Here are the current staff for which we have no photo/intro details: