The Spectacular Spider-Man TV series created by Greg Weisman and Victor Cook. The first season aired in 2008 on the Kids' WB segment of the Warner Brothers Television Network. The second season aired in 2009 on the Disney XD.
Despite critical acclaim for both seasons, a planned and much-anticipated third season was cancelled. The third season was complicated by the partial return of legal rights from Sony to Marvel, and the acquisition of Marvel by Disney.
Having abandoned this excellent series, Disney subsequently went ahead with a new cartoon entitled Ultimate Spider-Man TV (2012). The new "Ultimate Spider-Man" 2012 cartoon is widely considered to be significantly inferior to the 2008 predecessor.
Director: | Victor Cook |
Writer: | Greg Weisman |
Director: | Troy Adomitis |
Writer: | Kevin Hopps |
Director: | Dave Bullock |
Writer: | Matt Wayne |
Director: | Dan Fausett |
Writer: | Andrew Robinson |
Director: | Troy Adomitis |
Writer: | Kevin Hopps |
Director: | Dave Bullock |
Writer: | Matt Wayne |
Director: | Victor Cook |
Writer: | Andrew Robinson |
Director: | Jennifer Coyle |
Writer: | Randy Jandt |
Director: | Dave Bullock |
Writer: | Kevin Hopps |
Director: | Dave Bullock, Jennifer Coyle |
Writer: | Andrew Robinson, Greg Weisman |
Director: | Dave Bullock |
Writer: | Greg Weisman |
Director: | Victor Cook |
Writer: | Kevin Hopps |