Spider-Man: The Animated Series was a popular cartoon show. After 65 episodes, the writers decided to wrap that show up, but you can't keep popular culture down - and some some kidutainment genius at Fox decided that Spidey was almost perfect... he just needed some animal warrior knights, a nano-tech costume, a futuristic space-city with an elite cast of bestials living in lofty towers, a human undercast living in the sewers, and jet cars to fly between. Get rid of Mary Jane, and you're done.
Editor: | Ralph Macchio |
Writer: | Eric Stephenson |
Pencils: | Andy Kuhn |
Inker: | Harry Candelario |
Based on a teleplay by Will Meugniot & Michael Reeves. Blame them.
This is kids stuff. Spider-Man Unlimited got pulled so that Fox could show something else with a better chance running against Pokemon. That's the market we're fighting over with this comic.
You want a summary? Spidey has a new nano-tech costume. John James goes to a counter-earth and doesn't return. Spider-Man goes after him. Flying robots, bestial knights rule the towers, humans live in subject misery in the sewers, tracked by computer chips. A brave human resistance, whom John joins. Spider-Man decides to stay, but leaves the resistance to live with a solo mother.
Cliched writing, poor art. What else did you expect.
One web. No surprises.
There's 13 episodes at US$2.99 each = $39 wasted! I hate being a completist.