Spider-Man in Italy

 In: Rave > 1996
 Posted: 1996
 Staff: The Editor (E-Mail)

Here's an extract from a letter I got from Marvel's Editor-in-Chief in Italy. He seems a real friendly guy, it's great to know that Marvel's catering as much as they can for non-English Spidey fans!

Hi, this is MARCO LUPOI from Italy... and I'm editor-in-chief for Marvel Italia, Marvel's Italian company. I have been editing Spidey' local mag for... well, almost 10 years (the first issue I edited was a reprint of the only PETER PARKER issue drawn by John Byrne... starring the Ringer, no less, while now I am in the middle on the clone mess... more or less around AMAZING 404).
 In: Rave > 1996
 Posted: 1996
 Staff: The Editor (E-Mail)