I've been recently pointed to Gail Simone (Killer Princesses, Deadpool, Agent X, Gus Beezer, Birds of Prey)'s column at the Comic Book Resources, You'll All Be Sorry. I must confess I never read any comic she wrote, but the word on the net is, she's a very funny lady. Laugh-out-loud funny. The column (curiously, it's still the last to date, but who are we to complain) was a therapy session, the doctor was none other than the Avengers villain Dr. Faustus, and the patients were the Jamesons. The premise sounded funny, and the column was funnier still. The constant bickering between Mattie Franklin and John Jameson was priceless, and it has to be read in context to be truly appreciated, so I won't provide quotes; Jonah is himself; and Marla, well, she couldn't be there, because, well, she was held in traffic. Take note of her excuse, it's a good one to give your boss tomorrow.
I was also advised to check the archives, and there I found many other pearls awaiting. In an age where blogs proliferate through the web like mushrooms, who wouldn't be interested in Galactus' blog? Yes, the Devourer of Worlds himself, and he opens his heart to all cybernauts, and shares with us his feelings while he learns all about Earth's culture... in my PANTS!... Sorry, couldn't help it. Go check out that column, and go check out the archives. It's definitely a barrel of laughs. Better Read if I ever saw it!