Maisto is a product line from May Cheong Toy Company. The company launched the Maisto brand in 1990, and subsequently acquired a license to produce Marvel branded products. In the 2000's they released several Marvel-branded product lines featuring cars, motor-cycles, trucks, and even airplanes.
This title is the second of the four Marvel motorcycle series which Maisto were to produce. Whereas the first series Maisto Ultimate Marvel Motorcycle Collection Series #1 featured a varied range of real-world motorcycle models, this second and later Maisto motorcycle series introduced a set of fictional bike styles which would be repeated ad nauseam with lazy color and decal changes.
As well as reduced variety in series #2-4, the bikes themselves were also a reduced quality. There was more plastic and flashy chrome, but very little metal in the models.
There were 15 separate products in Series #2 although there were only six distinct bike styles in reality.
Spider-Man appeared with three different styles, being out-done by Hulk who got five different models.