White Tiger
Continuity: Earth-616 (Mainstream)
Title Base: No Spider-Man
Angela Del Toro is the heir to a heroic legacy that began with the Jade Tiger,
a long-lost enchanted statue from the fabled kingdom of K'un-Lun. Broken into
pieces, the statue's paws and head resurfaced in America, where the Sons of
the Tiger wore them as amulets that enhanced their martial arts prowess. When
the Sons disbanded, their discarded amulets were discovered by Angela's uncle,
the young Hector Ayala, who transformed into the superhuman White Tiger
through their power.
Now the power of the amulet belongs to Angela, and she is being tutored on her
path to being Ney York's newest superhero by the person currently wearing
Daredevil's costume (whom Angela referes to as "2.0").
This storyline occurs prior to the events of Marvel's Civil War.
White Tiger #1
Summary: Spider-Man appearance
Arc: Part 1 of 'A Hero's Compulsion' (1-2-6)
White Tiger #2
Summary: Spider-Man appearance
Arc: Part 2 of 'A Hero's Compulsion' (1-2-6)
White Tiger #3
Summary: Spider-Man appearance
Arc: Part 1 of 'A Hero's Compulsion' (1-2-6)
White Tiger #6
Summary: Spider-Man appears
Arc: Part 6 of 'A Hero's Compulsion' (1-2-6)
Continuity: Earth-616 (Mainstream)
Title Base: No Spider-Man