Ultimate Spider-Man (Promo Reprints)
These are single issue comic format reprints of Ultimate Spider-Man issues created as
commercial promos. Note that there are many reprints of Ultimate Spider-Man #1.
Many reprint only part of the story, and are indicated as [partial]. The covers in many
cases are similar or identical, with the back cover advertisement being the primary
method of identification.
See also the Ultimate Spider-Man #1 mini-comic reprinted as
Marvel Key-Chain Comic: Ultimate Spider-Man #1 in the
Marvel Key-Chain Comics set.
USM #1: (B) Thermos ad on back cover [partial]
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #1: (C) Target / Kool Toys Giveaway [partial]
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #1: (C) Chocolate Got Milk ad on back cover [partial]
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #1: (E) Payless ShoeSource [partial]
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #1: (F) Buster Brown ad on back cover [partial]
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #1: (G) Checkers [partial]
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #1: KB Toys Giveaway [partial]
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #1: Special Edition - Wal-Mart stores only
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #1: (F) Payless ShoeSource [partial]
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #1: Mad Engine version (same interior as FCBD version)
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #1: (H) Payless ShoeSource [partial]
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #8 Promo (Payless)
Date TBD
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #8 Promo (Mad Engine)
Date TBD
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #11 Promo (Chef Boyardee)
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #54 Promo (UK, given with DVD)
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
USM #39 Promo (Activision)
Date TBD
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]