
 Title Date: Year 2001
 Title Base: No Spider-Man

This book was produced for the New York City Sanitation Dept. in conjunction with Marvel Comics.

Trashmasters #1A (Story 1)
Story: “Mystery of the Messmonster”
Summary: (Grades 2 & 3) NYC Sanitation Dept./DOS Comics (Spider-Man Social Message Inside Back Cover)
...(Story 2)
Story: “Thanks a Lot.”
Trashmasters #1B (Story 1)
Story: “RRRock n RRRoll”
Summary: (Grades 4-6) NYC Sanitation Dept./DOS Comics (Spider-Man Social Message Inside Back Cover)
...(Story 2)
Story: “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Repaint?”
Summary: Spider-Man Cameo (Dream)
 Title Date: Year 2001
 Title Base: No Spider-Man