Squadron Supreme
Title Base: No Spider-Man
They live in an alternate universe, and they are heroes. While this current team
is not the original group of heroes who banded together under this name, they
are the Squadron Supreme. The original team is dead, and this new team has
gathered together after Nick Fury and his team of Ultimates invaded their world,
to take their place.
Squadron Supreme #1
Story: “Four for the Future”
Summary: Alternate Spider-Girl appears (Nell Ruggles)
Arc: Part 1 of 'Power to the People' (1-2-3)
Squadron Supreme #2
Story: “Another Country Heard from...”
Summary: Alternate Spider-Girl appears (Nell Ruggles)
Arc: Part 2 of 'Power to the People' (1-2-3)
Squadron Supreme #3
Summary: Alternate Spider-Girl appears (Nell Ruggles)
Arc: Part 3 of 'Power to the People' (1-2-3)
Title Base: No Spider-Man