Spider-Man Promo Reprints (Sony DVD)
Amazing Fantasy #15 (full-sized reprint) was included in the boxed-set edition of Spider-Man (2002).
Amazing Spider-Man #50 (half-sized) was included in the boxed-set edition of Spider-Man 2 (2004).
The other two mini-comics (Amazing Spider-Man #252 and Amazing Spider-Man #300) were packaged with copies of the Marvel/Sony DVD "Spider-Man: Origins of a Superhero" which was a promotional DVD released in 2006, in anticipation of the release of Spider-Man 3 (2007).
Amazing Fantasy #15 (Sony DVD Promo)
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
Summary: Included in Special Boxed Edition of Spider-Man 1 (2002)
Amazing Spider-Man #50 (Sony DVD Mini-Comic)
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
Summary: Included in Special Boxed Edition of Spider-Man 2 (2004) Movie
Amazing Spider-Man #252 (Origins DVD Promo)
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
Summary: Mini-Comic in "Spider-Man: Origins of a Super-Hero" DVD
Amazing Spider-Man #300 (Origins DVD Promo)
Review: Not Required [SM Reprint]
Summary: Mini-Comic in "Spider-Man: Origins of a Super-Hero" DVD