Last Hero Standing is a five part limited series set in the MC2 (Spider-Girl) universe. It's written by Tom DeFalco, who pretty much writes everything MC2 these days. The story features pretty much every known MC2 hero in a sprawling face-off first against each other and finally against the villain of the piece, revealed to be Loki the trickster god of Thor's Asgard. To be honest, this comes across as a pretty disappointing effort that will only appeal to die-hard MC2 fans. The rest of you probably want to save your pennies for other books.
Editor: | Molly Lazer |
Writer: | Tom DeFalco |
Pencils: | Pat Olliffe |
Inker: | Scott Koblish |
Editor: | Molly Lazer |
Writer: | Tom DeFalco |
Pencils: | Pat Olliffe |
Inker: | Scott Koblish |
Editor: | Molly Lazer |
Writer: | Tom DeFalco |
Pencils: | Pat Olliffe |
Inker: | Scott Koblish |
Editor: | Molly Lazer |
Writer: | Tom DeFalco |
Pencils: | Pat Olliffe |
Inker: | Scott Koblish |
Editor: | Molly Lazer |
Writer: | Tom DeFalco |
Pencils: | Pat Olliffe |
Inker: | Scott Koblish |