Avengers vs Pet Avengers
Continuity: Earth-616 (Mainstream)
Title Base: No Spider-Man
A number of superhero animals including Lockheed, Lockjaw, Redwing, Puddlegulp (the frog Throg), Hairball (a cat), and Ms. Lion (a puppy from the animated series Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends), formed the Pet Avengers, now they find that they are fighting Fin Fang Foom and the human Avengers in an attempt to save the Earth.
Avengers vs Pet Avengers #2
Summary: Spider-Man & Spider-Woman (Drew) appear
Avengers vs Pet Avengers #3
Summary: Spider-Man & Spider-Woman (Drew) appear
Avengers vs Pet Avengers #4
Summary: Spider-Man & Spider-Woman (Drew) appear
Continuity: Earth-616 (Mainstream)
Title Base: No Spider-Man