Astonishing Tales (Vol. 2)
Continuity: Earth-616 (Mainstream)
Title Base: No Spider-Man
This is a new anthology title staring characters who deserve stories told about
them, but currently do not have their own series. There are four short stories
in each issue.
Astonishing Tales (Vol. 2) #3 (Story 1)
Review: Not Required [Backup Only]
Story: “Wolverine & Punisher”
...(Story 3)
Story: “Sam and Bobby in Mojoworld: Civil War”
Summary: Alternate Universe Spider-Man Appears
...(Story 4)
Story: “Hollywood Bloodsuckers: An Untold Story of Spider-Woman”
Summary: Spider-Woman Appears
Continuity: Earth-616 (Mainstream)
Title Base: No Spider-Man