Noc Turner

 In: Staff
Staff Profile

Name: Noc Turner (E-Mail)
Status: Single
Current Position: Former Staff Reviewer
Occupation: Web-site/Graphic designer
Year of Birth: Unknown
City: Chicago, Illinois, USA.


Noc Turner is the darker side of Andy Thilk. Noc does freelance graphics for a several comic book sites - including his own site, The Marvel Universe.

Noc scores pretty high in the 'Devotion to Spidey' stakes. In his own words... 'When I was 5, I used to have my Ma cut up my comic books so I could play with my very own spider-man!'


Spider-Man titles, Captain Marvel, Thunderbolts, lots on mini-series and misc. issues of things, and even more non-Marvel stuff!

Why Spider-Man

He was just the coolest around...and my mother seemed to like buying them for me. Call me crazy, but she could have come home with 'Captain America' comics just as easily, and yet she didn't. Coincidence?


Due to my tender age, I didn't get in on Spidey as an adolescent 'til the Todd McFarlane/Erik Larsen stage. The former of which I thought was pretty neat, but the latter really captivated me, story-wise. I always loved the way Larsen wrote Spidey, and I've still got a soft spot for him.

 In: Staff