"Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter" is played in much the same way as the original "Marvel Super Heroes" game and the "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter" arcade release which followed. As the title implies, "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter" features characters from both universes battling in a two-on-two tournament to achieve victory over all comers.
Platform: Capcom Arcade, Sony Playstation Summary: Mano-a-Mano Fighting Game
The following is a list of the starting fighters from both MSH and SF:
FROM MARVEL: Captain America, Shuma-Gorath, Cyclops, Wolverine, Hulk, Blackheart, Omega Red . and, of course, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!
FROM STREET FIGHTER: Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Zangief, Dhalsim, Bison, Dan, Sakura, and Akuma.
"X-Men Vs. Street Fighter" had first featured MARVEL's Apocalypse as a final challenge. In "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter", there are two challenges: Apocalypse and Cyber-Akuma!
The Sony Playstation release of "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter" does not permit a player to switch between fighters as it regularly did at the arcades, but it is still a great game . and having the familiar face of Spidey makes it that much more entertaining.
Overview by Michael-Edward Galvan.