In late December 2001, ToyBiz released an addition to the Classic Spider-Man action figure line with Spider-Man 2099 sold exclusively to KayBee toy stores. Though 2099 has gone the way of the "New Universe", ToyBiz tipped their hats to collectors with this gem. Though he's a repaint of the black costume Spider-Man action figure from the Classics line, it was an excellent choice for a base figure to repaint. The Classics series has been the penultimate of Spidey action figure toys made by ToyBiz. Boasting 30 points of articulation (number of moveable points and joints in the figure), this line of toys are both well sculpted and infinitely poseable. They did a nice job with the litebyte webs on his back too - a nice improvement over the cape-like version that pinched around the neck seen a few years back in the 5" scale Spidey 2099 action figure. A second KayBee exclusive figure should be arriving shortly - the Scarlet Spider. Scarlet was originally scheduled for the second wave of the Classics figures, but was replaced in the lineup with a Daredevil figure. For now, that will be the last of the Classics Spider-Man toys, as ToyBiz shifts focus to Spider-Man action figures for the upcoming movie. Those toys, already starting to pop up in some stores, are similar to the Classics figures in terms of articuation and sculpt. Also, a new line called "Marvel Legends" will debut showcasing on non-Spidey characters in a similar format. First up will be Captain America, Iron Man, Toad, and Hulk.