As the more observant among you will notice, the SpiderFan site is in the process of undergoing a major facelift. This is the fifth revamp in its 16 year history, if my memory serves me correctly. Which it probably doesn't.
This new look is perhaps the most dramatic renovation in all that time, with the adoption of a "dark" theme. We're not imagining that this theme will last forever. It is quite possible that we will swap back to a "light" theme at some stage in the near future. But for now, this is an experiment that we hope you will enjoy while it lasts.
You will notice that we are converting the site across one section at a time, starting with the front page. We will then convert all the reviews, title indexes, items, etc. Please bear with us while this happens. We'll try and ensure that all content remains accessible at all times - even if the formatting undergoes some drastic changes.
If you encounter any display problems with the new pages, please Drop us a Line. Be sure to tell us what page needs fixing, and what browser you used! And also, if you think you're a great web designer and you have ideas for further improvements... use the same link!