Old Spidey-Fan, aka David Hutchinson, spent a lot of time going through the new hardcover "500 Covers", written by our own Jonathan Couper-Smartt.
He ran some stats to gather some fun Spidey trivia.
Do you know who appeared on the covers of Amazing Spider-Man 1-500 the most (besides Spidey himself in costume)?
The winner:
Doctor Octopus - 32 covers
In order:
More interesting trivia:
John Romita Sr. penciled 100 covers of the
500+ in the book, roughly a fifth. He also inked 24, for involvement penciling
or inking of 124 non-annual covers. If you add his work on annuals, it is
another 7 penciled and another 3 inked, for a grand total of roughly 134
covers. I don't think anyone else comes close.
JRJR has 52 covers not counting annuals, but he didn't do the cover of many [of the issues he pencilled.]
Not counting slight over-lap, it is around 186 covers that had involement by the Romitas. Big hand for dad and son!!!!!!!!!