500 Covers

 In: News > 2004
 Posted: 2004
 Staff: Mike Fichera (E-Mail)

Old Spidey-Fan, aka David Hutchinson, spent a lot of time going through the new hardcover "500 Covers", written by our own Jonathan Couper-Smartt.

He ran some stats to gather some fun Spidey trivia.

Do you know who appeared on the covers of Amazing Spider-Man 1-500 the most (besides Spidey himself in costume)?

The winner:
Doctor Octopus - 32 covers

In order:

  2. MARY JANE WATSON PARKER............29
  3. PETER PARKER.......................25
  4. THE VULTURE........................20
  5. MAY PARKER.........................19
  6. J. JONAH JAMESON...................19
  7. THE SANDMAN........................18
  8. ORIGINAL GREEN GOBLIN..............16
  9. THE PUNISHER.......................16
  10. VENOM..............................16
  11. BEN REILLY(ASM#149,OR LATER).......16
  12. MYSTERIO...........................15
  14. ELECTRO............................14
  15. HOBGOBLIN..........................14
  16. BLACK CAT..........................12
  17. KRAVEN.............................12
  18. SCORPION...........................11
  19. GWEN STACY.........................11
  20. CARNAGE............................11

More interesting trivia:
John Romita Sr. penciled 100 covers of the 500+ in the book, roughly a fifth. He also inked 24, for involvement penciling or inking of 124 non-annual covers. If you add his work on annuals, it is another 7 penciled and another 3 inked, for a grand total of roughly 134 covers. I don't think anyone else comes close.

JRJR has 52 covers not counting annuals, but he didn't do the cover of many [of the issues he pencilled.]

Not counting slight over-lap, it is around 186 covers that had involement by the Romitas. Big hand for dad and son!!!!!!!!!

 In: News > 2004
 Posted: 2004
 Staff: Mike Fichera (E-Mail)