Over at Rich Johnstons Lying in the Gutters column the following was recently rumoured:
I hear Paul Jenkins has been dropped from the newly relaunched "Spectacular Spider-Man," before the first issue has been printed.
This rumour was circling a couple of weeks ago, but because Paul was then on holiday and hadn't been informed of the news, Joe Quesada confirmed the story but requested that this column hold the story until they'd contacted Paul.
But Quesada states that Paul is being "promoted" to a new, higher profile title starting next year - and that it was this move that triggered the change over at Spider-Man. Apparently, Marvel don't want to dilute time spent on this upcoming project.
Sounds authoratative when Joe Quesada is mentioned as a source, but not long after this was posted at www.spidermancrawlspace.com reported this:
There was some speculation that writer Paul Jenkins would be leaving the Spectacular Spider-Man title, even before it is officially launched. This rumor comes from Rich Johnston on his Lying in the Gutters column. I wanted to hear from the man himself, and asked Paul Jenkins in an e-mail if this were true. Here is his reply, "Nope. But I've had twelve emails asking me the same thing so far this morning. Go figure. " So there you have it, straight from the man. Good news for us fans fond of his works.
Not sure what the case is, but you would think Paul would know. Right? Well since the post Rich Johnston updated Lying in the Gutters saying that the rumour probably wasn't true, but was a deliberate plant to see who at Marvel was leaking information...