Top Ten Surprises about Peter & MJ's baby
Here's Yabbo's list of surprises about Peter and MJ's new baby girl. Actually,
some of them won't really surprise me!
- Due to a brain defect thinks that the Scarlet Spider is "cool".
- Not only is she named after Aunt May, she looks like Aunt May.
- Understands exactly why Marvel just doesn't give Venom his own title.
- First sentence: "Power and Responsibility? More like a load of crap!"
- Can actually understand the lyrics in the new Spider-Man cartoon.
- Mary Jane's nose, Peter's eyes, and Ben's hair.
- Thinks that the clone saga should go on "a little longer".
- By age three, can already write better stuff then that in the "Scarlet-Spider" books.
- Thinks that maybe Ben will turn out to be the true Spider-Man in Spidey #75.
- In two months has her own title: "Spider-Kid".