Spider-Man Activity Pack (Funtastic)

 Posted: 2003
 Staff: The Editor (E-Mail)


I'm guessing that in 2002, Funtastic jumped the gun a little. They brought out a range of activity books a little bit ahead of the main movie blitz. There were six different books... a Coloring Book, a Sticker Book, a Bumper Book (just a bigger coloring book), a Tattoo Book, and a Paint with Water Book.

The sixth book was a smaller activity book (coloring, spot the difference, finish the picture, etc.) which came in a bagged pack along with the coloring book (also available separately), and a box of four crayons.

Shortly afterwards, they re-released several of these books with the same ISBN codes and the same interior content, but just with updated "Movie" covers.

Story Details

  Spider-Man Activity Pack (Funtastic)
Summary: Colouring Book, Activity Pad, and Crayons

Half-sized, top-hinged activity pad. 24 pages featuring a few spot-the-difference pages, and a few coloring pages with the same art as the coloring/bumper books. Comes in a bagged pack along with the bigger coloring book, and a set of four crayons. The movie version gave me four colors, red + blue, naturally. It also gave me green + purple, presumably so I could draw the Green Goblin! Sadly, none of the pictures in the activity pad showed the Green Goblin!

General Comments

Very little imagination in this series... probably enough to get through the first, small, coloring book. Unfortunately, it got spread a lot thinner than that! There was very little variety in the art in the first place, and then it got re-cycled through six different activity books, and then re-re-cycled through a second series!

Overall Rating

Disappointing really. Two webs.

 Posted: 2003
 Staff: The Editor (E-Mail)